
I’m always running away from something. When I walked out of “us”, it was not you I was afraid of. It was the idea of truly committing myself to something bigger than “me”. I wasn’t sure that I could take care of you, be deserving of you, treat you like the princess that you are. And so, when you asked me whether I loved you, even after you had said you loved me, I couldn’t find the words to reply to you. My mouth went dry as a desert. My tongue became a lifeless, and the butterflies in my stomach did a crazy dance.

I remember not giving you an answer, and just hugging you right there and then. I was fully aware that it wasn’t the definitive affirmation of my feelings that you were looking for, but you hugged me back anyway. You held on to me, tight. Your feelings were left unreciprocated, but you understood that I wasn’t ready to give you an answer yet.

But what if I can never give you an answer that you’re looking for? What if I can’t ever be honest with you? Because I can’t even be honest with myself in the first place.

That was the turning point for us. Like a boat, I let the waves of life carry me away from your shores, and now I’m lost. In the middle of the ocean, nobody can hear me when I cry out your name. My voice echoes into the horizon, into the endless blue, and is lost forever.

I saw you walking down that corridor. You held your books to your chest, your head held high, back straight, all smiles. I slowed down my steps, as my heart beat began to quicken. I guess it was impossible to avoid you forever. Maybe it was destiny pulling at our strings, pushing us towards each other. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence, like everything else. You were looking forward, and then you noticed me, and then you looked away again, as if I was a scar you’d rather ignore.

Before I could think of anything to say, we walked past each other. For the briefest of moments, I could hear your breathing, and I could feel your heat. I wished for you to stop, but you didn’t. As you walked away from me, your footsteps became fainter, and fainter. I imagined that they were the beating of your heart, and of mine too and that our hearts were beating in unison.

My mind raced, thinking of things I could say to get you back. I stopped in my tracks, and stood still in that corridor. The corridor with just me and you. My heart, which I thought was unfeeling, ached and longed for us to be together again. I knew the words, and I said it, but you couldn’t hear me. You were too far away.

You walked on. After a while, I could no longer hear your footsteps. Where were you going? I didn’t know. Where was I going? Where had I been going? Where am I going now?

I’m lost without you.

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I’ve been away since the 8th of December. Below is a little note I typed out literally moments before I left. I wanted to post it, but because the Wi-Fi at the airport was wonky, I never got around to doing it. It’s quite interesting to read it, and compare my mindset back then with the mindset I have right now.


I’m leaving, finally. I can’t really recall with any form of accuracy what happened in the days leading up to today. It all went by so quickly, like the scenery when you’re on a moving vehicle. There’s some landmarks here and there, but otherwise, it feels like everything’s been simply a means of getting to this destination.

And now it’s here. From today, all the way to the 22nd, I’ll be in Laos. The day after I come back, which is the 23rd, I’ll be flying off to Australia all the way to the 2nd of January. The trip to Laos is not a vacation; it’s what my university calls an International Service Program, and I’ll be working there, not relaxing. We’ll be teaching secondary school kids English, helping rebuild their school, and then we’ll be performing some song and dance routine. The latter trip, the one to Australia is with my dad and my brothers. I think it’s a trip that we all need, but I’m not going to expand on that here.

That’s about 26 days I’ll be spending out of the country. I’ll be away from my home, my friends, and my usual routine. It’ll be a new experience. I’m not sure whether I’ll be ready for it, you know? I’ll be foregoing the things I’ve come to expect and take for granted. It’s kinda like being a ship sailing into unchartered waters.

It’s such a big break in my life that it’s affected how I’ve lived even before I’ve actually left. Like I said earlier, everything’s a blur. It’s partly because I’m rushing through so many things, trying to get as much things accomplished as possible…but it’s also because I’m pushing back some things which are actually important to me, but I don’t have the courage to do anything about it. I just push it off to a later date, and make a false resolution to get it done after my trip.

But I’m not sure whether I will get around to doing them, when it comes down to it.

I’m sitting at a Starbucks. The time is 1709. I’m supposed to meet the rest of my OCSP group at 1730. I guess I’ll be ending this short note here. This is the jumping off point. When I come back, I hope to be a better person.

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The Dreamreader

I was the only one who was up in the big room. My eyes took some time to adjust to the darkness. When they finally did, I saw that everybody was gone. No, no they weren’t. They were just hidden in their sleeping bags. It was a cold night, so everyone tried to shove themselves as deep into their bags as possible. Some of their heads stuck out awkwardly. It looked like they have been swallowed whole by giant worms.

Some of the guys were snoring softly. The girls were less noisy, letting out sighs and whimpers. I noticed their body rising within the sleeping bags, in a steady rhythm. My hair stood on its ends. With everyone asleep, I felt well and truly alone.

Who am I, in the first place, you might ask.

My name is of little relevance. It doesn’t matter at all. Like someone dying in a far-off land. But if you want, you can call me Dreamreader. Nobody calls me that, in real life, but that’s because nobody knows about what I can do. I’ve kept my talent a secret for the longest time. What talent? Like the name suggests, I can read dreams.

Okay, perhaps ‘read’ is the wrong word to use. To be more specific, I can view people’s dream. When someone is asleep, I will put my face close to theirs. I don’t do anything first. I just observe them, and try to ascertain that they are in a state of deep sleep, to make sure that they will not wake up. I put my mouth close to their ears, and softly, I whisper these words unto them: “I don’t mean to be rude. But allow me to intrude. Into your dreams. Be it bad  or good.”

And then I ease into a trance. My mind will blank out, and I lose all sense of myself. Then their dreams would flash through my brain, as if I’m watching a movie. Voyeuristic tendencies are not natural to me. But what else am I to do when everyone is asleep?

I crawl towards the girl closest to me. She was the pretty one, in our group. She was beautiful and radiant, like a field of sunflowers. Everyone gravitated towards her, bees in search of pollen, or whatever it is bees usually look for. I looked around and saw that everyone indeed was asleep. Her hair was a mess, but it was nice, still. They fell across her face, a scattering of autumn leaves. I whisper the words into her ears.

“I don’t mean to be rude. But allow me to intrude. Into your dreams. Be it bad or good.”

She was alone in a coffee shop. She had a book in front of her, Jane Eyre. It was a good book, one that I had read before. She wasn’t focused on it though. She was waiting for someone. From time to time, she would read and then stop, and then go back to it again. When she went back to reading, she would lose track of where she left off, and she inevitably read the same passages again and again. In front of her was hot coffee. She had poured in too much sugar. The coffee went untouched, after no more than a few sips.

Whenever the door opened, she would look up expectantly, only to be disappointed. She would then check her phone, to check whether she had any messages. There was a mirror across from where she sat, and she used it to check on her reflection. She glanced at the clock. ‘He”, whoever ‘he’ was, was late.

Finally, I arrived, bringing nothing but an apologetic, cheeky smile. It was me she was waiting for, to my amusement. I pull out a chair, and sat on it as if it was a throne. I asked her whether she had been waiting long, and she said that the wait was nothing, nothing at all.

I ordered a cup of coffee, and sip it slowly, savouring every drop. I entertain her with anecdotes, and tell her stories of the world. All the while, she stares at me with saucer-eyes, her fingers twirling her hair, laughing a bit too often, even when the situation did not call for it. When I had gulped down the last of my coffee, I stood up, and held my hand out to her. She grasped it and I led her to the nearby park.

The park was empty for it was a weekday. The grass was a seemingly endless sea of green. Trees would break the expanse, like elevated islands of leaves.  We didn’t say a word to each other. The chirping of the birds filled the silence. They talked on our behalf, it seemed. Chirp, tweet, and then a another chirp.

Finally, we sat down on a bench; the one on top of the hill, the one with the view that took your breath away. The sun was setting on a cloudy day, and the clouds looked like orange cotton candy. She put her head on my lap. Her hair fell across her face again, and I told her that I liked that. I bent down and then my eyes snapped open.

And then I woke up. And then I was back in the cold room again, all by myself.

I checked my watch and saw that it was just past 6. Everybody was bound to stir, soon. The sun would rise. Actually, not really. The earth would revolve, and make it appear as if the sun was rising. It’s light would invade the rooms, and penetrate our tightly shut eyelids. It would impose wakefulness upon us all.

I heard the roar of a zipper, footsteps, and then the distinct sound of someone fumbling for his or her things in the darkness. Soon, everybody would be doing the same. I quietly crawled my way back to my own sleeping bag. I turned my head towards her, for one last look. Maybe she was dreaming, still. I tried to recall anything at all that I knew about her, but I realized that I had never really spoken to her before. Somebody’s alarm went off. A wave of angry tsks swept through the room. Persons inside sleeping bags twisted around fitfully, as if by struggling, they could prolong waking up.

I close my eyes, and I retreat into the sleep which had eluded me all evening. In my sleep, I dream of nothing at all.

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So our finals are over, and we’re free from the shackles of studying and projects for the time being. It’ll be back in full-swing come January, but that’s a lifetime away. For now, we’ve got to just enjoy the time we have. It’s easy to simply while your time away; sit at home playing Tetris Battle, or laze in front of the couch, or whatever.

But that’s not good. It’s like you’ve got a golden key, and there’s a golden door in front of you, but you don’t want to go through it because the sofa you’re sitting in is so damn comfortable. I say make the best out of what little time you’ve got, and do the following:

1) Go on dates

People sometimes sit around and whine about being bored, and having nothing to do, and about how no one’s asking them out. I say take the fucking initiative and go out with that guy/girl that you thought you clicked with. You know, that person who never really became your friend, but you had a good conversation or two and you think there’s a spark, but you never had the chance to develop it, and all the time you’re just playing with all this “what ifs” in your head.

Trust me, they’re just as bored as you are, and they’ll be glad you asked them out. Probably.

It doesn’t have to lead to anything serious. In fact, it probably won’t. But it might. And in the off-chance that it MIGHT, that he/she is the one, or that he/she will be the one who will lead you to the one,  just go do it.

2) Watch Community

There’s many sitcoms out there, but none is more streets ahead than this show. Community, unlike other sitcom, is something closer to art. It’s about a lawyer, Jeff Winger who goes back to community college to get a degree. There’s this girl he wants to bang (Brita Perry), and in order to get closer to her, he creates a Spanish study group consisting of the most diverse and awesome characters ever created for television. (In retrospect, I think it’s awesome how this show started because somebody wanted to bang somebody else. It’s genius, and it’s totally relatable.)

The group slowly grows closer together, and they go on a shitload of crazy situations. The dialogue is dangerously witty, the characters are immensely lovable, and the storylines are insane. It’s a show which gives you something new every week, be it a zombie infestation, or a spoof of a mafia movie, or an episode where they explore alternate timelines. They don’t always succeed, but you can feel that it’s very much an effort of love from its creators, and not by-the-numbers show like BBT.

It tries to transcend the norms of television, and most of the time, it succeeds. The show’s currently in it’s third season, but we’re hoping for #sixseasonsandamovie. Also, Community is the reason I have a fake goatee on in my profile picture.

3) Visit a museum

Most museums are free if you’re a university student. Now that you have the time, I suggest you just go in, and just…have your mind blown. You’ll be surprised at what our museums actually have in store. We have world-class exhibits here, which people would pay good money to see. And we can just stroll in for free? It’s ludicrous, in a way that’s good for us.

I don’t really care for the historical museums, but the Art Museums are amazing. I went to Singapore Art Museum the other day. There were two note-worth exhibits: The Burning Gaze, by Hyung Koo Kang, and the Signature Art Prize 2011 Exhibition, a collection of exceptional art pieces from all over Asia. Just pop by when you have the time and you went regret it.

There’s this piece called “Needling Whisper, Needle Country/Embroidery Project” by a South Korean artist by the name of Kyungah Ham. He basically sent over patterns to North Korean factories for them to sew. And in this patterns, he inscribed things like “Are You Lonely” and heart-wrenching shit like that.

4)Go to a Post-exam Party

Exams are like the natural disasters of school. It’s a collective shit that we all have to go through. And like….all we have is each other, you know what I mean? Unless you’re going through it, you don’t know how hard it is. Your parents, your friends who aren’t in university…they can’t really sympathize with the amount of studying that you have to put in. All you have to hold on to is your friends.

And it’s your friends who support you through the exams, and help you when you have questions, and buy you food when you’re hungry. What better way to celebrate than by going for a party together? And a post-exam party isn’t like any other party. It’s with people you know. And I guess that’s a goodthing/badthing situation, but it’s something worth experiencing.

And I think after 14 (or is it 15?) weeks of studying so hard, we’re all just dying to shuffle.

Not-so-random Advertisement: The Hangover III, SMU’s post-exam party is going on at ZOUK on Thursday. Message me if you want tickets.

5) Find yourself.

I think that after so many weeks of studying, it’s easy to lose track of who you are. I’m not exaggerating on this one. There comes a point where you wake up to study, and you spend the whole day studying, and then you sleep, and then the next day it repeats itself. And it repeats itself and it repeats itself until you don’t know who you fucking are anymore.

Why exactly are you studying so hard for? What do you want out of this university education? What kind of person do you want to be? What’s the point in all this?

You’re like a ship. In the middle of the freaking ocean. And you’re going somewhere. What exactly is the exams in this analogy? Exams are a storm which just happens to be in your way. It might set you back, but if you know where you’re going, and you know what you’re doing, you’ll get there eventually.

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The man, the lake, the rock, and the baptism.

I asked myself who I really was and why I was alive in the first place and of course I had no clue. I searched within the grooves of my soul, and it wasn’t there. Inside the wrinkles of my brain, and the depths of my eyes as I stared at the mirror. There was nothing, and I felt empty inside. My heart beat makes a hollow sound against my chest. It is loud and I am reminded about how empty things make the most noise sometimes.

Standing in front of the lake, I tried to make a rock skip. It hit the water and sank to the bottom instead. It went straight down, and it made no bubbles, only ripples. In a sense, I was like that rock. They’re asking me to bounce on the water, but rocks aren’t made to do that, and even when they do, they still sink eventually. At the bottom of the lake is an abundance of rocks, and other things which are slave to gravity.

Sinking isn’t so bad, I think to myself as I stand in front of the lake. The world beneath the surface of water called out to me like a dying soldier. My reflection on the water looked up at me, and I marvelled at how much more perfect it looked as compared to me. The reflection had no past, no regrets, no pain.

I took of my shirt and then my pants until only my boxers covered my modesty. With great care, I folded my clothes and laid them aside. These were futile and pointless actions, because I was going to drown myself. But what about everything else that I have done up to this point? Were they futile and pointless too? Probably. It was like laying down bricks of gold on a path which leads nowhere. The cold air gave me goose bumps. I looked around to make sure that I was alone.

Indeed, I was. It took me two hours to get to this lake. It was a walk, and then a bus ride, and then a long struggle through the jungle. The jungle I went through was dark and strangely devoid of life. The branches and shrubs scratched at me as if they were trying to stop me from going further. I ignored them. After a while, my phone lost it’s signal. I ignored the missed calls and unread messages, and I dropped it in the jungle, where it will stay for a really long time. The phone, unlike leaves and fallen trees, would not be accepted by the soil.

Emerging through the forest, I felt born again, and I had to chuckle at the irony of it all.

The sun, the rocks, the clouds, the trees all bore witness to my ultimate act. Here I go. I thought back to my life and I could think of nothing worth noting. My teeth started to chatter as hints of the evening started to show, and the sun started to set. The sun’s glow made everything look wonderful, even me. I stared at my hands, and I moved my fingers, clenched and unclenched my fist. I looked at the intricate lines and how they danced with my every movement.

Then I remember that these hands have nothing to hold on to.

I jumped into the water finally. I couldn’t tell whether I was falling into the water like the rock, or whether the water was rushing up at me, like an open-mouthed predator. The water rose over my head, and I was underwater. I stayed still in the water, unmoving. The water was peaceful, and it gave me a strange sense of warmth that encompassed my whole being. My body was moved by it’s flow.

I opened my closed eyes and  I saw a deep blue nothing. It was frightening; my mind and my being couldn’t comprehend the concept of nothingness, and something within me snapped like a twig. I tried to take in a breath, instinctively, but underwater, there is no such thing as air. Water rushed into my lungs like thieves in the night. My arms and feet started flailing uncontrollably. My hands made to grab on to something, anything. But I had already made the jump into this other world.

Looking up at the sky, through the water, I could see the setting sun. Everything in this planet grows because of the sun’s presence, I thought. I began kicking upwards, and I reached for it with my left hand then my right, and slowly but surely, I inched towards the sun, and everything else that waited for me above the surface of the water.

I thought back to my friends, my family, my love, and everything that awaited me in the future, that I risked losing by dying there. My head broke through the surface and I inhaled the early evening air. I treaded in the water for a moment, and I embedded into my mind the sensation of falling into nothingness. And I thought about how this wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t know what it was just yet, but I know that it didn’t wait for me underneath the water.

In the sky, a plane flew by. It seemed to crawl along, like a snail. Maybe people were looking down upon this lake, and even though from such high altitudes, I might appear to be only a speck, I am still there nonetheless. I let out a primal scream, and from the trees, a flock of birds took flight, and I felt alive once again.

I swam towards the shore. My clothes, which I had so neatly folded, were waiting for me.

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Another World

In another world, we fell in love.

We met under strange circumstances. I was standing in the middle of the field staring up at the moon. The night air was cold and so were the far-away stars. My hands were in my pockets, and my head was in the clouds. I was in a fortress of my own making and then you came crashing in. It was your gravity that did it.

You came from over the horizon like a sun at dawn. Why were you there? It doesn’t matter; in this other world, nothing needs explanation because things just are. Your head was down, and your shoulders slumped. There was a tragic air about you, like a fallen flower. Your long hair was swayed with the wind. There was a story behind your hazel eyes which I wanted to know about. I looked away from the moon, and stared at you.

You walked past me and your presence overwhelmed me. I took a sharp intake of breath, and I couldn’t help but blurt out: “How beautiful.”

You came to a stop and you turned to me. Then you looked up at the moon, and you said that you thought so too. I wasn’t referring to the moon, I was referring to you, I thought to myself. But I didn’t say it. I wanted to though, and it took all my willpower to stop myself from saying it. I didn’t want you to think that I was weird, even though I am. I was weird and you were beautiful.

The clouds drifted pass overhead, without a care for the two of us mortals staring up at the moon.

You sat down on the grass and you invited me to do the same. I don’t know what compelled you to do it, but like I said, it doesn’t matter because in this other world, nothing needs explanation. Everything became still for a moment, and it was tender and perfect. The wind whispered wonderful things into my ear, and into yours too.

“If we lie down, we won’t have to strain our necks looking at the sky,” you said, and so we did.

Your hand was very close to mine, and I reached out for it like a drowning man reaching out for a rope. When my hand found yours, they fit perfectly, and I felt warm inside. My hand was rough as sandpaper, but you held it, all the same. When I turned my head to look at you, you did the same, and we drowned in each other’s eyes, and through our hands and through our eyes, we made a connection that transcended heaven.

We stare up at the moon again, two people, looking at the one perfect moon. We fell in love because we needed each other. It needed no explanation, because like I said, in this other world, love required no such thing. It was simple, as it should be.

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Life is complicated and I understand nothing about it.

Last Friday, I got the hearing on my left ear back. Two weeks prior to last Friday, I’ve only been able to hear from my right ear. It was a really confusing two weeks of my life. I was digging my left ear one Saturday, and then silence descended upon it like a bird of prey. You know that silence that you hear in a dark forest? That was what my left ear heard; my right ear was pretty much normal.

It was like being in two different worlds at the same time. All my conversations felt surreal, as if they were happening in a far-away place. I couldn’t tell where sound was coming from, and whether I was speaking too loudly or softly. I spoke more softly, instead of loudly, because it would appear less retarded. I joked about how if someone needs a listening ear, I got one.

So I had to visit the doctor three times before it was finally out. It was just ear wax. Not ear cancer like I earlier feared. My eardrums were just fine too. In the end, the doctor did something very simple; he insert a giant syringe into my ear, and pump the ear wax out. Like fucking my ear with water. Ear wax the size of a snot popped out, and sound came gushing into my left ear.

It was like a religious experience. I could hear the flow of air. For a few hours, I walked around disconcerted. Now, I’m okay, or at least, that’s what I tell myself.

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I sit on a luxurious sofa, and in front of me is a door which leads to someplace. The door was open and I could see what lay beyond. It called out to me. The sofa I was sitting on was absurdly comfortable, and it seemed to swallow me up. The sofa was asking me to stay.

To my left is a coffee table, and on the table is a cup of coffee and a plate with a glorious muffin. In my hands, I hold a novel. It’s new, so the smell of the pages are still fresh, and spoke of the many secrets they hold.

Why bother moving forward when what you have is just fine?

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Ugh. Shit.

This may seem a bit of an out-of-character post. It’s not even a story, or anything of the sort. I’m just here to rant, vent, and say some things that have been bothering me for a while.

Firstly, I feel quite lost in university. I haven’t found my place, in any sense of the word “place”. Maybe it’s normal. It’s only about ten weeks in, after all. Or maybe it’s not, and I’ll be lost at sea forever. Honestly, I’ve got no idea, man. Where’s it all going. What’s supposed to be happening. What does it all mean?

Fingers are crossed, hoping everything will work out eventually.

But maybe that’s the main problem here. I’m not taking enough control of my life. I’m letting it flow on it’s own, and maybe that’s the wrong thing to do. At this point, I’m quite frustrated with myself.

Ugh. Shit. What is wrong with me.

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I entered the bus and made my way to it’s upper level. The bus driver barely looked up as I got on. It was too early in the morning. Most people were still rousing themselves from deep sleep. Even the sun had yet to rise; it hid itself in a blanket of the dawn. The bus moved off slowly, as if it too was in a state of half-sleep; a waking beast.

The upper level was deserted, which was not strange, considering how absurdly early it was. I sat on the front-most seat of the bus, on the right-side. It had much more room for my legs, and it also gave me a commanding view of the road. This was my favourite seat, and had always been, since I was a young boy. From that seat, I used to imagine that it was me driving the bus. I’ve stopped doing that, but the seat would always remain my favourite.

I dozed off, with my head resting on the glass window of the bus. I awoke, a while later. I looked behind me and saw that the bus was still empty; nobody had got on. I checked my surroundings and realized that I still had a long way to go from my destination. Leaning my head to the glass window once more, I made a resolution to go back to sleep. It was then that I heard tiny footsteps going up the stairs.

Instinctively, I turned my head to look. It was just a primary school boy, not a hot girl, which was what I was hoping for. He looked really small. It struck me that at one point in my life, I must have been at that height too. On his bag was a huge backpack which seemed to overpower him, and make his every step a challenge. He looked at me too, and he held his gaze. Not wanting to lose, I stared back. Thinking back on it, it was very immature of me.

He looked away, and he shrugged. He did not turn to the back of the bus. No, he walked towards the front of the bus. He walked right to the front of the bus. Without missing a beat, he planted himself right beside me. I was staring at him the whole time, but he paid me no attention. He placed his bag on his lap, stared forward, and he stayed that way, without saying a word.

“Dude, do you have to sit beside me?” I said. I couldn’t help but say it. The whole bus is empty. I said that too: “Seriously, the whole bus is empty.” I didn’t mind someone seating beside me, but it felt awkward. Somewhere in my life, not being awkward started to matter.

“But this is my favourite seat,” he replied. He didn’t turn to face me when he said this. He remained focused on the road, as if it was something that mattered. And I realized that to this kid, at the young age of ten, it probably did.  “I like the view from here. I like to pretend that I’m the driver.”

I looked at him, and in him, I saw the boy that I was. I also saw the boy that I am. How am I different from him, really? How have I changed since oh so many years ago? I’m still on the same damn seat I was in when I was a little kid. Is it because some things never change, or is it because some people never grow up, and I am one of them?

I considered the situation for a while. “Would you like to seat on the inside?” I asked. The boy nodded, and we traded places. “This used to be my favourite seat, too,” I said to him. He glanced at me, and I thought I saw a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes. Or maybe not.

The bus finally reached my destination. The bus had filled up without me noticing. There were now all sorts of people on the bus. Adults going to work, teenagers going to school, a seemingly homeless person; a random sampling of society. Life was awakening all around me. People were going about their lives. What was I doing with mine?

I made my way downstairs, to get off the bus. Just before I left, I thanked him for the ride. I stepped off the bus with the feeling that even though I had just reached my destination, I still had some way to go.

Actually, I had no idea where I was going.

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